Texas Strong - Entry 13

09.03.21 10:02 PM Comment(s)

Atilano M. - Entry #13

I originally got into reefing 3 years ago, and have been been loving the hobby. Being able to bring the ocean, a place I love and is so dear to my heart and bring a portion of that into my home was always a dream. When I finally was able to do so I loved it I learned so much about how to care for these animals and enjoy them
At the same time. Recently here in Texas we had a winter storm like no other before, the storm
Cut our power out for a total of 6 days. For 6 days we had no heat, running water or electricity, and I can truly say I have new found appreciation for these convenances. For the first 2 days I order a generator which didn’t make it till the power went back on, so I’m between taking care of my pregnant wife, and trying to keep my tank afloat I also had to crear a makeshift heater out of cinderblocks and clay pots just to try and keep us warm ( this did not help) for the first 3 days I would start my bbq pit to boil ro water I had stored and place jugs of warm water inside my tank and float them. I had multiple battery powered bubblers going and unfortunately after 5 days I lost both my fresh and salt water tank, my fish, and all my coral. I had hoped to share my hobby with my future son, but at this point I’m trying to figure out how to continue. I included some pictures on my tank prior and after. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I don’t want to give up the hobby I love and love to share with my friends and family.